If U wants to conceive.....4

If U wants to conceive....4

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If U wants to conceive...7
Pump up your iron intake
Fill your body's iron reserves before you get pregnant, especially if your periods are heavy. According to Sam Thatcher, a reproductive endocrinologist and author of Making a Baby: Everything You Need to Know to Get Pregnant, "Bleeding every month is a constant source of iron depletion."
Make sure to get enough iron now – once you're expecting, it's difficult for your body to maintain its iron level because your developing baby uses up your stores of the mineral. (Pregnant women need double the amount of iron they needed before pregnancy.)
Too little iron at conception not only can affect your baby, it can also put you at risk for iron-deficiency anemia during pregnancy and after you give birth (especially if you lose a lot of blood during delivery). Anemia causes your red blood cells to fall below normal and saps your energy.
If U wants to conceive...8
Choose Fish Oil capsules..1
If you are vegetarian or non vegetarian I suggest U to take Fish oil Capsules. Please see and understand how benefit for you..
Seafood is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids, and according to some scientists, these essential fats may have a positive effect on fertility. Research suggests that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids may help regulate ovulation, improve egg quality, and even delay aging of the ovaries.
Omega-3s are also important for a baby's brain and eye development and could have many other pregnancy-related benefits. These include lowering your risk of preterm birth, reducing your chance of preeclampsia, and easing depression.
On the other hand, you've probably also heard that some types of fish contain contaminants such as mercury. In high doses, this metal is harmful to a baby's developing brain and nervous system

Choose Fish Oil capsules..2
If you are vegetarian or non vegetarian I suggest U to take Fish oil Capsules. Please see and understand how benefit for you..
The good news is that not all fish contain a lot of mercury. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says that women trying to conceive can safely eat up to 12 ounces (roughly two or three servings) a week of fish like canned light tuna, salmon, shrimp, cod, tilapia, and catfish.
However, the FDA advises limiting white (albacore) tuna and completely avoiding fresh or frozen swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, and shark because these have the highest mercury levels.
You can take fish oil supplements if you don't like seafood, but first talk to your doctor about which brand to buy and how much you should take.
Read our article on eating fish when you're trying to conceive for more advice on mercury and omega-3


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