
Showing posts from 2013

Your life style to give birth to HEALTHY CHILD

Your life style to give birth to Healthy child The role of  a woman is important to give birth to HEALTHY and BRILLIANT child When any woman wish to give birth to HEALTHY and BRILLIANT child she should know the importance of 1.  Air  2. Water  3. Healthy food  4. Rest  5. Excrement  6.  Exercise  and 7. Healthy Thoughts or Positive Thinking 1. Air :: We breathe in OXYGEN and breathe out CARBON  DI OXIDE. Importance of OXYGEN : Of all the chemical elements, oxygen is the most vital to the human body .  We would survive for only minutes without oxygen.  Oxygen is the life - giving, life- sustaining element.  Approximately 90% of our body's energy is created by oxygen.  Nearly all of the body's activities, from brain function to elimination, are regulated by oxygen.  The ability to think, feel and act is derived from the energy supplied by oxygen. The way to optimize health is to ensure complete cellular oxygenation.  Each of the body's trillions of cells dem

Nutrients required to give birth to HEALTHY CHILD - 4

Nutrients required to give birth to Healthy child 4 Brought to U...     and Minerals Mineral Main Functions Deficiency Phosphorus 80% of the phosphorus in the body is present as calcium salts in the skeleton. Calcium Calcium is the main constituent of hydroxyapatite, the principal mineral in bones and teeth. An adequate calcium intake is vital to health, particularly in times of growth, e.g. childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, and also during lactation. Deficiency of calcium in bones can result from an inadequate supply of vitamin D, which is essential for its absorption. This condition is known as rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Iron Iron is required for the formation of haemoglobin in red blood cells, which transport oxygen around the body. A lack of iron leads to lower iron stores i

Nutrients required to give birth to HEALTHY CHILD 3

Nutrients required to give birth to Healthy child 3 Brought to U...    and Water soluble vitamins Vitamins Main Functions Deficiency Thiamin (B 1 ) Involved in the release of energy from carbohydrate. It is important for the brain and nerves, which use glucose for their energy needs. Deficiency leads to beriberi. Alcoholics sometimes develop deficiency. Riboflavin (B 2 ) Involved in energy release, especially from fat and protein. Deficiency includes changes to the mucous membrane and skin around the mouth and nose. Vitamin B 6 (Pyridoxine) Involved in the metabolism of protein. Deficiency may occur as a complication of disease and drug effects. B 12 Is necessary for the proper formation of blood cells and functioning of the nervous system. Deficiency leads to pernicious anaemia.

Nutrients required to give birth to HEALTHY CHILD - 2

Nutrients required to give birth to Healthy child 2    Brought to U....     and Fat soluble vitamins Vitamins Main Functions Deficiency A Essential for vision in dim light; necessary for maintenance of mucous membranes; skin and growth. Reduced night vision; loss of sight through gradual damage to the cornea. Lowered resistance to infection. D Promotes calcium and phosphate absorption from food and is thus essential for bones and teeth. Failure of bones to grow and calcify leading to rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. E Protects cell membranes from damage by oxidation. Deficiency may occur in premature infants or due to malabsorption.

Nutrients required to give birth to HEALTHY CHILD 1

Nutrients required to give birth to Healthy child The body requires different amounts of each vitamin and mineral because each has a different function. People have different requirements according to their age, sex, level of activity and state of health. Eggs contain some of most of the recognised vitamins and minerals that help to maintain essential bodily functions. Vitamin D In particular, eggs and specifically egg yolks, are one of the few naturally occurring, significant dietary sources of vitamin D, alongside oily fish, liver and meat.  It is now recognised that vitamin D is not only important for bone health, but has other key roles in modulating immune and neuromuscular function and inflammation . There is a raft of emerging evidence from both animal and epidemiological studies suggesting that vitamin D status may influence cell ageing and that vitamin D is involved in the aetiology of various chronic disorders, including type 1 and type 2 diabetes, cardi