Your life style to give birth to HEALTHY CHILD

Your life style to give birth to Healthy child The role of a woman is important to give birth to HEALTHY and BRILLIANT child When any woman wish to give birth to HEALTHY and BRILLIANT child she should know the importance of 1. Air 2. Water 3. Healthy food 4. Rest 5. Excrement 6. Exercise and 7. Healthy Thoughts or Positive Thinking 1. Air :: We breathe in OXYGEN and breathe out CARBON DI OXIDE. Importance of OXYGEN : Of all the chemical elements, oxygen is the most vital to the human body . We would survive for only minutes without oxygen. Oxygen is the life - giving, life- sustaining element. Approximately 90% of our body's energy is created by oxygen. Nearly all of the body's activities, from brain function to elimination, are regulated by oxygen. The ability to think, feel and act is derived from the energy supplied by oxygen. The way to optimize health is to ensure complete ce...