Pre Pregnancy I

Pre Pregnancy 1

Have a parenting talk

Most of the experts and real moms we spoke with agreed that it's important to chat with your partner about some of the biggie parenting issues -- like how you'll share childcare, working vs. staying home, religious traditions -- before you start trying. "But before you start freaking out over differing opinions on circumcision, public vs. private schools, or other things that are way down the road, remember that you can and will change your mind about a lot of these issues as you go along," say Odes and Morris. "The important thing is for couples to start talking about their priorities, expectations, and fears throughout the entire process, especially before you get pregnant."
Steps You should follow
1....Stop birth control pills
2....Avoid big parties(Alcohol, Liquor etc..)
3....Limit Tea or Coffee

Well, if it is that time of your life when you are seriously pondering over having a baby, welcome to a whole new experience.

In order to improve your chances of getting pregnant soon, it is important for you to know the ideal time to have sexual intercourse.

The set of practices that helps you know the days of the month that you are most likely to get pregnant is known as fertility awareness method (FAM).

Fertility awareness is useful not only in helping you conceive, but also to help you avoid a pregnancy. Here are some techniques that will help you know the ideal time when you will be most fertile, so that having sex during these times will improve your chances of getting pregnant quickly.
See some of Defective child births around the Globe from my blog  Defectivebirths

I wish U to have Healthy and Brilliant Child....Avoid Defective births, Criminals  etc....Have Healthy food, Healthy life give birth the child as you desire.  Please read my other blogs Profession, Defective birth etc.....This blog brought by  and


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