Cause of birth of Mentally retarded child...5

Cause of birth of Mentally retarded child...5

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8.... What Is Cerebral Palsy?
Cerebral palsy (CP) refers to a group of disorders that affect muscle movement and coordination. In many cases, vision, hearing, and sensation are also affected. The word “cerebral” means having to do with the brain. The word “palsy” means weakness or problems with body movement. CP is the most common cause of motor disabilities in childhood, affecting approximately  2 to 3 out of  every 1000 children.
Abnormal brain development or injury to the developing brain can cause CP. The damage affects the part of the brain that controls body movement, coordination, and posture. It may occur before birth, during birth, or shortly after birth. Most children are born with CP, but they may not show symptoms of a disorder until months or years later. Symptoms usually appear before a child reaches age 3 or 4. 
The symptoms of CP vary from person-to-person. Some people with CP may have difficulty walking and sitting. Other people with CP can have trouble grasping objects. The symptoms can become more severe or less severe over time.
People with CP can have other problems, such as:
  • seizures
  • communication difficulties
  • learning disabilities
  • vision loss
There’s no cure for CP, but early diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve quality of life.
9... Lead poisoning
Lead is a highly toxic metal and a very strong poison. Lead poisoning is a serious and sometimes fatal condition. It occurs when lead builds up in the body.
Lead is found in lead-based paints, including paint on the walls of old houses and toys. It is also found in:
  • art supplies
  • contaminated dust
  • gasoline products sold outside of the United States and Canada
Lead poisoning usually occurs over a period of months or years. It can cause severe mental and physical impairment. Young children are most vulnerable.
Children get lead in their bodies by putting the lead containing objects in their mouths. Touching the lead and then putting their fingers in their mouths may also poison them. Lead is more harmful to children because their brains and nervous systems are still developing.
Lead poisoning can be treated, but any damage caused cannot be reversed.


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