What are the risks of having a caesaeian?

What are the risks of having a caesarean?

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What are risks of having Ceasarean ?

You will feel pain for a while after the operation, and will take longer to recover than if you'd had a vaginal birth. You'll probably feel pain in your wound and discomfort in your tummy for a few weeks after the operation, while your body heals.
You will be given drugs to reduce the pain, but it will affect your day-to-day activities for some time.
Before you go into surgery, you'll have a single dose of antibiotics, to reduce the risk of infection. Despite this, it's common for women to have an infection after a caesarean.
Tell your midwife if you have heavy bleeding, irregular bleeding, smelly discharge or a fever. These can be symptoms of infection.
The three main infections are:
Infection in your wound. Signs include redness and discharge, worsening pain in the wound and separation of the wound. This happens to about one in ten women, even after having antibiotics at the time of surgery. It's more likely to happen if you have diabetes or are overweight or obese.
Infection of the lining of your uterus (endometritis). This is more likely to happen if your waters broke before labour started, or if you had lots of vaginal examinations before your caesarean.
Urinary tract infection. The thin tube (catheter) inserted during the operation to empty your bladder can cause infection. You may find that weeing is difficult, painful, and causes a burning sensation.
Blood clot
Any surgery raises your chances of developing a blood clot, and this can be serious, depending on where the clot lodges. If the clot lodges in your lungs (pulmonary embolism), it can even be life-threatening. Signs include a cough or shortness of breath, or pain and swelling in your calf. Call your doctor if you notice any of these signs after your caesarean.
Your medical team will give you preventive treatments, such as blood-thinning drugs and elastic support stockings, to improve the blood flow in your legs. You'll be encouraged to move around as soon as possible after your caesarean. This will help your circulation and reduce the risk of a clot forming.
A caesarean carries a risk of adhesions as you heal. Adhesions are bands of scar tissue that can make organs in your tummy stick to each other, or to the inside of the wall of your tummy.
About half of women who have had a caesarean have adhesions. The methods surgeons use may have an effect, such as which layers are stitched up afterwards, and how. It also depends on how many caesareans you've had, as the rate of adhesions rises to 75 per cent after two caesareans, and 83 per cent after three caesareans.
Adhesions can be painful, because they limit the movement of your internal organs. They can sometimes lead to problems with bowel obstruction and fertility if they press on or block neighbouring organs.
Effects of anaesthetic
Most caesareans are carried out with an epidural or a spinal to numb your tummy, as it's safer than having a general anaesthetic. But having any anaesthetic involves a small risk. After an epidural, you may have:
A severe headache. This affects about one per cent of women and is more likely if you've had more than one type of regional anaesthetic leading up to the birth.
Nerve damage. Though this rarely happens, and usually only lasts for a few days or weeks. Permanent nerve damage is very rare.
You might not have been seen any animal giving birth to their child with ceasarean. It is natural process of our body. You ask your fathers and fore fathers that any body given birth with ceasarean? You will get answer as NO. Because they followed Healthy food, Healthy life style etc...If you follow Healthy food, Healthy life style etc...you can give birth to your child naturally. 


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