Effect of Tea or Coffee on U......6

Effect of Tea or Coffee on U......6

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14....More than 4 cups of coffee linked to early death.
A Mayo Clinic partnered study found that men who drank more than four 8 fl.oz. cups of coffee had a 21% increase in all-cause mortality. However, those that reported that they consumed excessive amounts of caffeine were also likely to smoke and have poor fitness. Dr. Nancy Snyderman from NBC said there were a few discrepancies with the study, but stresses that moderation is still key.
15........Caffeine consumption may raise blood pressure. 
Especially in those already suffering from hypertension and those who don’t normally consume caffeine. People with hypertension were given 250 mg of caffeine (about 2 coffees) and the data revealed that their blood pressure was elevated for about 2-3 hours after the caffeine. Src. A second study performed by The Mayo Clinic found similar results from a 160 mg dose. All participants experienced a marked rise in blood pressure and it was the most pronounced in those that didn’t normally consume caffeine.
Once blood pressure is raised it may also causes various causes of other health problems included Heart attack, Kidney problems, cerebral amperage etc.....Your health is precious and you should take care.
16....Increased risk of heart attacks among young adults.
A study conducted by Dr. Lucio Mos found that young adults who were diagnosed with mild hypertension had 4 times the risk of having a heart attack if they consumed the amount of caffeine equivalent to 4 cups of coffee. More moderate consumption showed 3 times the risk.
17....Caffeine linked to gout attacks. 
This study showed that people who binge on caffeinated beverages increase their risk for a gout flare-up.


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