
Showing posts from November, 2017

Causes of Female Infertility ..10

Causes of Female Infertility ..10 Brought to U....     and 20....  Poor Quality Eggs Poor egg quality may lead to infertility and repeated miscarriages due to one of these reasons: Egg does not implant into the uterine wall after fertilisation Egg implants but cannot grow due to insufficient energy With increased age of the mother, the age of the eggs also increases and leads to abnormal chromosomes. Children born may have genetic abnormalities, like Down's syndrome. This may also be a reason why certain fertility treatments, such as IVF and IUI, are repeatedly unsuccessful in older woman. In my previous we discussed about eggs quality etc..It is clear It egg quality is not good the woman faces failures in any type of treatments i.e IVF or IUL or Surrogacy or other...Egg quality is depend on your food and life style..If you follow Healthy habits you can conceive without problems... 21... CONCLUSION I explained va

Causes of Female Infertility ..9

Causes of Female Infertility ..9 Brought to U....     and 18....  Donors Eggs Egg Quality and a Woman's Age A number of couples dealing with the issue of infertility sometimes fail to recognise one particular fact that may be the root cause behind their unsuccessful conception - the age factor. Maternal age in particular, is an important consideration in order to determine the egg quantity and quality and, later, the embryo quality after fertilisation. Women's Age and Eggs Fertility decreases with a woman's age. This is because every woman has millions of eggs or, more specifically, follicles that mature into eggs inside her body when she is born. By the time she reaches puberty, though, the number of these follicles drops down to about 300,000 to 400,000. During the monthly menstrual cycles, approximately 20 eggs start the journey to maturity but only one or two are finally able to complete this journey

Causes of Female Infertility ..8

Causes of Female Infertility ..8 Brought to U....     and 16....   Individuals vs. Populations Every individual and couple is unique and could be more fertile or less fertile as compared to the average for their age. Some 30 year old already have significant egg quality and/or quantity issues and some 43 year old are still fertile. There are also no guarantees that an individual woman will have a smooth drop in her fertility potential as she ages. Although rare, it is possible to have a rapid decline in egg quantity and quality as early as the teens or twenties. I have seen many woman who have given birth to Healthy child even after 50 years because from their childhood they followed healthy habits..Now I am seeing the woman at the age 25 years is suffering from Infertility because of her unhealthy habits..So I advise every woman to follow healthy habits and free from Infertility 17....   Female Age - Egg Issues S

Causes of Female Infertility ..7

Causes of Female Infertility ..7 Brought to U....     and 14....   Environmental and Occupational Factors The ability to conceive may be affected by exposure to various toxins or chemicals in the workplace or the surrounding  environment. Substances that can cause mutations, birth defects, abortions, infertility or sterility are called reproductive  toxins. Disorders of infertility, reproduction, spontaneous abortion, and teratogenesis are among the top ten work-related  diseases and injuries in the U.S. today. Despite the fact that considerable controversy exists regarding the impacts of  toxins on fertility, four chemicals are now being regulated based on their documented infringements on conception. Lead Exposure to lead sources has been proven to negatively impact fertility in humans. Lead can produce teratospermias (abnormal sperm) and is thought to be an abortifacient, or substance that causes artificial abort

Causes of Female Infertility ..6

Causes of Female Infertility ..6 Brought to U....     and 12.....  Other variables that may cause infertility in women: At least 10% of all cases of female infertility are caused by an abnormal uterus. Conditions such as fibroid, polyps, and adenomyosis may lead to obstruction of the uterus and Fallopian tubes.  Congenital abnormalities, such as septate uterus, may lead to recurrent miscarriages or the inability to conceive.  Approximately 3% of couples face infertility due to problems with the femaleís cervical mucus. The mucus needs to be of a certain consistency and available in adequate amounts for sperm to swim easily within it. The most common reason for abnormal cervical mucus is a hormone imbalance, namely too little estrogen or too much progesterone. God has created our body with great care to cure any problem itself provided we follow Healthy food, Healthy life style etc,,I hope you will follow healthy habits and

Causes of Female Infertility ..5

Causes of Female Infertility ..5 Brought to U....     and 9......  Ectopic Pregnancy  This is a pregnancy that occurs in the tube itself and, even if carefully and successfully overcome, may cause tubal damage  and is a potentially life-threatening condition. It is very dangerous to woman. When egg and sperm meets in tubes may cause of this problem...Here the couple healthy thoughts are required...for example..If you wants to eat sweets it comes with your mind then you think where to get the sweets and will go get the sweets and eat..Our body acts on our mind...If you develop positive thinking your body acts according and you will solve your problems 10....  Congenital Defects  I n rare cases, women may be born with tubal abnormalities, usually associated with uterus irregularities. It is the major defect of woman where uterus defects by birth...It is due to her parents fault i.e. they don't have healthy thoughts or

Causes of Female Infertility ..4

Causes of Female Infertility ..4 Brought to U....     and I nfection 2 How animals deals with Infections:::Humans are constantly at war with disease. We lob antibiotic missiles at bacteria and toss vaccine-shaped grenades at viruses. We drop bombs made of antibacterial soap and hand sanitiser on everything we can. The battle between humans and parasites (an umbrella term that includes viruses, bacteria and much larger creatures that thrive on a host) has ancient roots, and exert as strong a force on evolution as predators, drought or famine. When any animal feels that they could be attacked with Infection they follow natural method to protect themselves..  It makes a great deal of sense, then, that animals would have evolved mechanisms for protecting themselves from infection and illness long before we could simply swallow a few pills. We will not observe our body changes and we will not follow what our body require to cure it

Causes of Female Infertility ..3

Causes of Female Infertility ..3 Brought to U....     and 4.....Follicle Problems  Although currently unexplained, "unruptured follicle syndrome" occurs in women who produce a normal follicle, with an egg  inside of it, every month yet the follicle fails to rupture. The egg, therefore, remains inside the ovary and proper ovulation  does not occur. God has created WOMAN to create us..He created her to give birth to the child by following Healthy food, Healthy life style etc..Therefore Woman is the most important in creation. I advise every woman to follow Healthy food, Healthy life style etc..We cannot imagine the world without U 5..... Causes of Poorly Functioning Fallopian Tubes Tubal disease affects approximately 25% of infertile  couples and varies widely, ranging from mild adhesions to complete tubal blockage. Treatment for tubal disease is most commonly surgery and, owing to the advances in microsurgery a

Causes of Female Infertility ..2

Causes of Female Infertility ..2 Brought to U....     and 3.... Scared Ovaries Excessive scarring and inflammation in women’s ovaries may be responsible for women’s decreasing ability to produce healthy eggs as they become older, according to a new study conducted by the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University, USA. The study has shown that the ovarian environment ages and that this affects the quality of eggs produced. This finding could lead to the development of new treatments that preserve fertility by delaying ovarian ageing. Deteriorating numbers and quality of eggs can contribute to miscarriages, birth defects and infertility. This new study focused on the reproductive age-related changes that occur in the environment in which the eggs develop, which is known as the ovarian stroma. Until now, little has been known about how the ovarian stroma changes with age. Lead study author Francesca Duncan, executiv

Causes of Female Infertility ..1

Causes of Female Infertility ..1 Brought to U....     and There are many causes of female infertility.  Let me explain U as much as my knowledge. 1.  Ovulation Disorder   Ovulation disorders are one of the most common reasons why women are unable to conceive, and account for 30% of women's infertility. Fortunately, approximately 70% of these cases can be successfully treated by the use of drugs such as Clomiphene and Menogan/Repronex. The causes of failed ovulation can be categorized as follows: (1) Hormonal Problems  These are the most common causes of anovulation. The process of ovulation depends upon a complex balance of  hormones and their interactions to be successful, and any disruption in this process can hinder ovulation. There are three  main sources causing this problem: Failure to produce mature eggs In approximately 50% of the cases of anovulation, the ovaries do not produce normal follicles in